Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Funniest Kids!

Posing for some pictures after bathtime.

Porter in his big boy undies! Yes we are going to start that long road, but I think he is ready for it.

Hattie in her new favorite chair. Hunny this is a bumbo.

Rice cereal anyone?


brookejuliesmith said...

I can not believe how big they are getting!!! Hattie is a Doll she looks just like her brothers... I hope you are all doing Good! I love you all! Love, Aunt Brooka

The Stanger Fam said...

Looks like you are having fun, Hattie has such big bright eyes, she is so cute!

Missy said...

Oh my gosh I love Porter's little underwears-those are so cute! And uh, good luck with that! Hopefully Landen will show him how it's done, and you can just sit back and enjoy. (okay we're totally dreaming on that one-but wouldn't that be sweet!)