Tuesday morning we got up bright and early to head out to some fun times at Sea World. The kiddos LOVED it! Our family posing for a picture with Shamu:)
Tyrell showing the boys that its okay to touch the sting rays. The boys did touch them:)
They had no problem touching this big boa. Hattie even got in on the action.

We watched Clyde and Seamore Take Pirate Island. The boys sat still through the whole thing and seemed to be really enjoy it.

Porter and Landen waiting to watch Shamu. The start of the show was kind of unusally the whales didn't want to do what they were supposed to do so they had to try and restart the show. It was pretty funny.

Porter and Landen waiting to watch Shamu. The start of the show was kind of unusally the whales didn't want to do what they were supposed to do so they had to try and restart the show. It was pretty funny.
Brindee - that looks like so much fun for all of you to get a wonderful family vacation! I am happy for you guys!! I bet your kids loved Disney World, and you are right - the Orlando Temple looks really white. Good to see you got a new camera :)
i'm so glad ty is home and i'm so glad you guys are having a blast!!
I see Ty is taking advantage of not having to shave! I swear Isaak is looking forward to that probably more than our whole trip! All he keeps talking about is how he doesn't have to shave for 17 days...must be a guy thing!
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