Saturday, May 24, 2008

Porter's turning 1!

We had Porter's Birthday party tonight! We had so much fun! We started the night off with letting the kids run loose for a while, then rounding them up to color paper sacks for their candy. We then went outside to break a pinata. We let each of them take a couple turns and the darn thing wouldn't break, so after trying for a while we thought it would be fun to make the dad's try to break it. Ty volunteered to do it. So he got nice a dizzy and kept his eyes closed and tried to break it. Oh you had to be there it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Well he got a really good shot at it, but ended up breaking it from its string, so the next best idea was to pitch it to another dad. So Ty and Shawn got to play a little baseball. After one swing the pinata finally broke and the kids went wild trying to pick up all the candy. After the pinata fun we went it for cake and ice cream. Porter wasn't to sure about the cake, but after a fun minutes and so help from other kids he got the hang of it. We opened presents after that and then decided that we would start a fire. Tera mentioned roasting starburst and I had never tried that before. Let me tell you they are really good. They taste like skittles. Just in case you are wondering how to do it here is the method. You put a starburst on a roasting stick, put it over the fire until it drips 3 times then hurry and put it in cold water. Try it sometime you'll be amazed at how good they are. We had such a fun time! Thanks to everyone that came and made the day special for Porter. It is so good to have such good friends to help us celebrate when our family isn't around!


Lindsay said...

How fun, I still can't believe he is one already!! They are so fun. Kate really misses your boys!

Tera said...

Thank you thank you for sharing your family with us. We had so much fun. And we still are dealing with the repercussions of your husband's great fires. You may be getting a lot of little visitors this summer!! You guys are the best. Thanks for all your after storm help as well!

Jessie said...

Happy Birthday Porter! I can't even believe its been a year! He is so big, and I think he looks just like you! What a cute little guy!