Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We have decided that when Hattie does something she goes big. She gets the job done. Most the time this is a great thing, but for the things she chooses not so much. Example...we spent that last two weeks before Paisley came to re-do the girls room (pictures to come when complete). We put a baby gate in the door way since we were re-painting the entire room. Well the first day that we finally take the gate down Hattie goes into the closet and starts saying blue, blue, blue...oh nooooooooo! She found the only pencil left in the whole room and drew all over the nicely painted closet walls. Oh she is a funny girl.
Well her latest trick was trying to prove to us that even though we ask her not to try to ride the bike because she's not big enough to reach the peddles, that she can in fact ride the bike. Well this didn't work out so good for her. She got onto the bike and started rolling down our slopped driveway onto the slopped grass hill and crashed at the bottom and this is what ended up happening.
Yep that's right she BROKE her arm. And the go big or go home thing...she managed to break both bones in her forearm and she did it so well the E.R. wouldn't cast her they told us we had to have a orthopedic specialist look at it, place it, and cast it. So she did all this last night. We all went to the E.R. with her because in the moment I wasn't thinking that we have a 6 day old baby, but by the time we got to the hospital I realized I should have just stayed home with the baby and boys. Luckily we had called Jana to meet us there to take the boys and she ended up taking us all home. Ty stayed with Hattie and took care of things. I am so glad he was home and is going to be home for a few more days. He had to take her this afternoon to meet with the specialist and she is going to have to go tomorrow to Creighton to have it placed and casted. We almost made it a whole week with 4 kids without incident, but our little dare devil took care of that.
Oh and you ask how she is doing well...when she came home last night she kept bumping into my leg on purpose with her arm and saying ow and today she climbed right back onto the bike and thought she was ready to go again. I think we might be in trouble around here.


Tiffany said...

Wow! You have one tough kid! We are right there with you and know all about orthopedic specialists. Oh, how fun!

Tammy said...

I can't beleive how tough she is. It looks to me like it would be way painful. I have decided that she is going to be your accident prone child. I am sorry for everything that you are going through. Let me know if you need anything. Paisley is a cuttie. I wish that I were there to cuddle and love her. Give her lots of kisses and hugs from me. Check my blog I posted family pictures from Lagoon. I love and miss all of you.

Missy said...

Whoa!!!! That Hattie gives Marvelly a run for her money! I can't believe the poor little thing broke her little sad! If you need help, or a break, or food, please call or email me. I would love to help. By the way, where is Ty going???

janabigelow said...

I still think its funny she has a big grin on her face! Nothing is going to keep that girl from getting what she wants!

Adam and Ashley said...

I'm sorry life is hectic for you right now. She sounds like she is just trying to keep up with the boys. Congrats on the new addition. I just love babies.

Candis said...

oh wow....aren't they so much fun!!!

Becky said...

She sounds like she's got your spirit. :) Don't know how you manage 4 kids. You're amazing!!!!

Maghann said...


Jessie said...

Poor Hattie :) Ryder managed to break his foot exactly 1 week after I had Madden! They must really need some attention! Hope things are going good for you guys :)

Micaela said...

Oh man! Stephen just broke his arm a couple of months ago too. It was so scary and sad! Fortunately the orthopedic surgeon was actually at the hospital that day. We have a picture of Stephen jumping up and down on his bed with the hugest smile the day he got his hard cast on. I cannot keep my boys off of things... Hope her arm heals quickly!