Sunday, October 19, 2008

Enjoying a Sunday!

Today was a great Sunday! We had no melt downs while getting ready for church. (I know what you are thinking...the Loveless kids throwing fits no way I thought they were perfect!) We got to Church on time...which happened to have to be a half hour early because it was also the Primary Children's Sacrament Meeting Program. Ty had to help pass the Sacrament and we made it though that without one problem. (Got to love fruit snacks!) The Primary did an awesome job doing the Program! (YEAH!! Its over!! I took a nap after church and didn't think of the program at all! No nightmares or panic feelings that I forgot something!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!) Landen got up there and gave his part all by himself and was so proud of himself! (So were we!! He is getting so big to fast. Its amazing how fast the time goes by!) We came home and ate a yummy roast! (It such a good feeling to know that I can still cook despite having 3 kids. I have to admit dinner was a half hour latter then I told Ty it would be done, but oh well we had a homemade dinner!) After dinner we went for a walk. When we got home the boys took turns swinging in the swing in the back yard! (They love their swing!!) So as you can see we really have been enjoying our Sunday!


J&J Binghameez said...

Brindee your family is so beautiful!

janabigelow said...

You did a great job on the program. I was not very happy that Hunter did not give his part since we practiced it everyday for like a month! Cute family!

The Stanger Fam said...

Aren't Sunday's the best?! I love it when Jed has a Sunday off and we can spend the whole day together... sounds like you guys had a great day.