Friday, June 1, 2012

Big Chickens

The Monday before school got out we were invited to a Dinner Theater put on by Landen's 1st Grade class. We were to bring a picnic style dinner with us. Landen choose Jimmy John Sandwiches and nobody complained about that:0)
A group of about 5 students put on a little play. Landen's play was from the Book Big Chickens. He was Chicken number 4. He remembered all of his lines and did an awesome job. My cheeks hurt from smiling so big while he was performing.
Landen is the last one on the left if you couldn't tell

This is the whole class at the end of the performances. It was so much fun and they put a lot of work into the plays. They designed the backgrounds, props, and masks they wore. Landen passed first grade with flying colors and he is already looking forward to going to second. We are so proud of him and all the hard work he puts into school!

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