Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yeah Hattie is here!! We are all really excited!! On Monday I went to my scheduled doctors appointment. When I got there the hook me up to a monitor that monitors the babies heart rate and contractions. I was on that for over an hour because the baby wasn't moving as much as the doc would like her to. So after an hour they let me off of it and I went in the ultrasound room. My doctor looked at the stress test and noticed that the baby had a d-cel. Which means that when I had a contraction the babies heart rate went down. There was only one d-cel on the sheet, but she didn't like the fact that I was already 40 weeks and the baby was doing this. So she insisted that I get started. I didn't want to be started I wanted to go on my own, so I asked her if we could wait until Wednesday and she said she would give me one and half hours to get things situated at home and get to the hospital. So thats what we did. My Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa were driving here from Utah. So I called my mom and asked her where she was and they said they were about a half hour away. So I went home finished packing my mom and grandparents showed up we gave them a quick rundown on our routines and left to the hospital. We got to the hospital at about 5:00 P.M. They had me hooked up to the machines and ready to go by 5:30. Around 8:45 P.M. I was at a 5 and ready for my epidural. Then at about 11:30 P.M. I was ready to go. I looked at Ty and said her birthday will probably be on the 23rd. Well at 11:45 P.M. The doctor was ready to go. She gave me quick instructions on what she wanted me to do and then had me push. All the sudden the baby nurse said look at those cheeks. I was shocked that Hattie's face was already out. I pushed again and she was out. She was born at 11:52 P.M. So her birthday was on the 22nd which was my due date. Everything was so quick and easy. I didn't tare or anything so the recovery has been a breeze!! She weighed 7lbs 4.5 oz and was 19.5 inchs. She is so sticken cute and we are having a blast having her home!! Her brothers love her and think she is pretty neat. They both are always wanting to hold her and help do things for her. I am so grateful for such good kids and great family that are helping us out!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for Hattie!! I am so happy for your little family and your new little baby girl is darling! It looks like her older brothers love her already!

JYL & DALLAS said...

I am so excited that your little girl is here!!! I can't wait for you to come visit so I can see her! Congratulations and I am so glad that everything went so well! LoVe Ya!!

Ashley said...

Oh that is wonderful! Congrats Brindee! She is beautiful. Thanks for posting pictures. And oh how I love successful birthing stories. It's never fun to hear somebody having to go through hours of labor only to get a c-section!

Lindsay said...

She is beautiful!!! I am glad to hear that the third one is even eaiser than the second one. I can't wait to meet her.

Tera said...

Wish we could hold you too Baby hattie. Make sure your family gives you plenty of hugs and kisses from us too. Well done Loveless fam, you make cute babies. Congratulations!!!

The Toronto Family said...

CONGRATS!!!!! she is sooooooooo CUTE!!!! I love the cheeks!!!!!!!!!!

Maghann said...

Seriously that is a cute face. You guys did some good baby making. How exciting! Love you Brin! Congratulations :-)

Jamie said...

Congratulations! I am so glad everything went so smoothly for you! Hattie is just beautiful!

The Byrdhouse said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited to meet her!!

Becky said...

She is perfect! Congrats! I can't believe how quick your labor was! That's so nice. I'm glad things worked out, and like I said before, I sure wish we were closer so I could come and see you and Hattie! Love you!

Jessie said...

she is SO cute! I love those cheeks too! I am glad to hear everything went well, and that your mom made it just in time:) Your kids are so darling, I think you should probably have about 10 more:) Congrats, hope you two are doing well! come visit so we can see her:)

HeiDi SpeNdLoVe said...

Congrats! Hope all is going well. She is a doll!

Adam and Ashley said...

Congratulations. She is a beautiful baby. I bet your boys adore her. I am glad all went well.

Bethany said...

So cute. I love her lips in the picture where Porter is holding her. Sweet! I'm glad everything went pretty smoothly. I hope I get that lucky too. And I'm sure Kaeson would love to share Landen's sister with him. He loves to see these pictures and still can't quite understand why he can't have a sister.

Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

Congratulations! I didn't know you were pregnant. That is awesome that the delivery and recovery have been simple (well, how simple an anything in child birth be?). I hope it is ok with you that I look at your blog.

The Stanger Fam said...

How wonderful!! I'm so glad everything went so well and that your doing well too. She is so darling, I love that brand new baby stage. Wish I could see little Hattie & you in person! Congrats!!