Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Last Day with G&G Barker (until next time:)

So our last day with Grandma and Grandpa Barker here started like this...
Grandpa made us some of his famous animal pancakes which included....a T-Rex, Snake, snowman, minnie mouse, another snake and a whole bunch of balls. Every kind you can think of:)
Paisley enjoying some yummy goodness:)
Landen, Hattie, and Porter eating breakfast like champions!!
While Grandpa was cooking Grandma was busy getting Peyton ready for the day. She had a nice bubble bath followed by her first hair do. Yes a little curl down the middle. Peyton has been our first baby we've ever been able to do anything with their hair before they were at least a year.

After we were all full and were ready we took advantage of the nice weather we have been having (its been in the 50's its usually in the teens maybe twenties if we are lucky and the wind is usually blowing) and headed to the zoo. Notice all of us just in jackets and sweatshirts. Thats right no winter coats for us!!
Grandma and Grandpa getting ready to go and watch Amazing Caves at the I-Max theater at the zoo. If you haven't seen this it was pretty cool. My kids even sat through it. It may have been all the popcorn Grandma and Grandpa bought them...but hey whatever works:)
Hattie and Paisley sharing a secret:)
Landen in the desert dome.
I love this picture of Paisley. Before we headed into the zoo I handed the camera off to my Sister Brigette and she was the photographer for this trip to the zoo.
Yes Hattie is in the sand/dirt. This is were you can find her if there is any around.
Paisley with her new cute hat she got for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Barker. She LOVES hats, shoes, and blankets. She is a keeper.
Grandpa and Paisley

After all the fun it was time to go and Hattie and Paisley got the royal treatment...They didn't even have to walk out of the zoo:)
We can't wait to take Grandma and Grandpa to the zoo again:)


The Stanger Fam said...

I looked at your last couple posts - especially the your birth story :) Your amazing! I'm glad your family got to come visit you for Christmas, I bet you loved it. You have such a beautiful family with you, Ty and your kids.

J&J Binghameez said...

Brindee, I have been thinking about you like crazy. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday yesterday. I miss you and hope you are doing well! Your family is beautiful!

janabigelow said...

Ok its been a month! Please post some new pics of that baby!