Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Life in TLF

We've made it to Nebraska and well it has been a little well lets be honest pretty crazy! Before we came we had talked to housing and they told us there was not wait for base housing. So we packed everything up in our Penske truck (this time we got a 26' truck instead of a 16' truck and we didn't have to leave anything behind) and made the 15 hours journey. (FYI if you get a 26' truck from Penske they will only go 70 mph even when the speed limit is 75 mph. On mapquest it was only supposed to be almost 13 hours, but we putted right along and made it in 15.) Oh yes we left on Saturday spent the night in Sidney NE, then drove the rest of the way to Omaha. (We actually are in city called Bellevue.) So we are all excited to be here and get our house on Monday. So Monday we go to housing and they tell us they only have one house and it is not a renovated house. In fact they are planning the destroy it in a year or so. So we walk into this house and kid you not it was 10 times worse then the old houses in Monterey. There was tan linoleum throughout the house probably the original stuff from when the built it. There was some of the pieces replaced with white linoleum. The appliances where also probably from the 1960's. Oh it was bad. I told the lady that this was not acceptable. We have 2 boys. One of which is going to start crawling soon and I really wanted a house with carpet. She told us if we wanted a renovated home that we would have to wait for weeks. We told her that we were going to look at other options. Well since that initial visit on Monday, Ty has gone in every day to see what is available with them. So hopefully something will work out. We have also been talking to a realtor and looking at houses. Houses here are really cheap the only problem is there property taxes are crazy!!! Our realtor has informed us that they are number 6 in the country for the highest property tax. So anyways while all this has gone on our Penske truck is sitting in the parking and we are staying in Temporary lodging. Oh the joys of being a military family!


The Stanger Fam said...

Brindee, you are such a trooper! I'm sure something will work out for you guys, hopefully sooner rather than later. That is totally a bummer that you can't really unpack and all that yet, what a pain. You'll have to keep us posted on what its like out there. Cute Halloween pictures by the way, love your costumes! So when you get settled you'll have to send me your address so I can send you guys a Christmas card.

Adam and Ashley said...

Brindee, sorry about the housing issue. I'm with you, if I had a baby I would want carpet as well-updated carpet at that. Hang in there and hopefully things will get better. Keep us updated.

Jordan & Kara said...

I cant believe they didnt have a hosue for you!! That is crazy!! I would be so mad. I hope things will work out soon for you guys. We lived in a house for three years that only had linoleum and I hated it. Good luck though I hope everything works out:)

Bethany said...

Holy cow!!! I've been wondering how you guys were. I see the military is not letting us down! Such a glamorous life, eh? I hope you get a place soon. We really miss you guys here. Good luck with everything,and keep us posted.

HeiDi SpeNdLoVe said...

Well, glad to hear you made it there even though the housing situation stinks. It all works out in the end, right? Ry & I are packing up for our move pretty soon. It is kinda stressful, so kudos to you. My brother-in-law lives in Omaha near Crieghton University ( I think they are near Bellevue). They love their ward and neighbors so I hope you have just as good of luck. Anyway, your kids are adorable and looks like they had fun. Keep in touch and let me know your address when you get it. Good luck!